Since we didn’t want to pay anymore to park we decided to try and find a McDonalds with a parking lot to park in (and we wanted a smoothie). Not even knowing where we were we used the GPS on her phone, but that took us to the World Trade Center which did not have a parking lot for free let alone a McDonalds in it. Taryn knew of one by a Panda Express though so we just put that in to the GPS and hoped it take us to the right one. Luckily it did but it was 2 miles from where we wanted to be and we had already walked a ton! That's what you get for listening to a GPS!
We get in the car because we don’t want to walk two miles and turn right out of the parking lot and are looking around waiting for our turn to get on the main street, we waited for a while. Then we realized that a homeless man was pointing at us a little frantically to go the opposite direction. We then noticed we were on a one way street…facing the wrong direction! Never fear, these kinds of things just happen when Taryn and I are in a car together. We tried to make a u-turn and ended up facing the homeless man head on and we were about 2 feet away from him. He just continued to look at us, unimpressed, like we were crazy because we were laughing so hard and kept pointing in the other direction. I think he sees that a lot, well I hope he does. We make the turn and start working our way back to the area we were supposed to be in. Along the way we turn into almost every dead end and wrong turn possible, but that was mainly because there is so much freakin construction going on downtown that we kept getting turned around (or at least that’s what we are saying). Finally we find a place to park and this time we make sure that we look to see exactly where we are so we can find the car later. By this time it’s about 6:15 and we were meeting her friend Jenna at 7:30.
When it got over it was about 9:30 and we decide that it's time to go home. Proudly we remember where the car is so we take one last walk stopping to listed to a band on the way. Our final adventure, taking Jenna back to Clackamas Town Center. A few wrong turns later we made it on to the freeway. Luckily Jenna knew where we were because Taryn and I are both directionally challenged. Just talking and reminiscing about the day was enough to keep us laughing throughout the entire ride. We finally get Jenna safely back to her car and say goodbye. Then after getting stuck in the parking lot (one of my peeves) for a few minutes we were on our way home. A couple of nearly missed exits later and we made it back to my house.
It was such a good (and tiring day)! My legs were shaking from walking so much and my stomach and throat hurt because I've never laughed so hard over a 9 hour period! Excellent time. I love you Taryn Zickefoose! P.S. Let me know if I left anything out... Hahahahahahaha!