Sunday, March 21, 2010

Guess what...? You're reading my very first blog!

So this is my very first blog ever! I'm super excited about it. Basically I've never really been into the whole blog thing but have recently been introduce to it by a dear friend, who's blog inspired me to start one! Thanks Ally, you're awesome :)

So, a question that may have plagued mankind for centuries; Something that my friends ask themselves on a regular basis I am sure... What the heck is Tara rambling on about now? That is probably what this blog is going to be composed of... a day in the life of Tara. Things you may or may not want to know about me and my life. But don't worry, you can ask anyone and they'd say I have quite an exciting and interestingly bizarre life so hopefully you will never be bored. I know I'm not! Just wait I've got all sorts of ideas and stories ready and waiting to be told.


Ally said...

I have never been the inspiration for anything! Fave!! Your blog is going to great =)

dfairley said...

Lovin the first blog