Bellarmine 740

Everyone is now officially moved out of SU and finished with the 2009-2010 school year. It has been a great one, with many stories to tell (which will be coming in the next few posts most likely).
Move out day is both exciting and depressing at the same time. As well it is stressful, overwhelming, and a time to hone your organizational skills like none other! About a week and a half before school got out it was time to start collecting boxes to put EVERYTHING in to get it all out on time (approx. 9:00am on 6/12/10).
So here's a little story on the box collecting extravaganza Alyssa and I went on. We decided that we were going to meed quite a few boxes so we went to Safeway to ask if they had any left over that we could have. They gave us about 4 boxes which was nice. Next we went to another Safeway because we were going to need a few more, but we were a few minutes to late and didn't get any from them. Feeling a little defeated we went to QFC up the street from the school. Little did we know when we got there this guy in the produce area told us we could, "go downstairs to the back and go through the 2 black doors, then take what we want." Through those two doors we found a mayhem of boxes so naturally we started piling them into our cart. We probably came back to school with a good 20+ boxes including a giant "Pistachios" display box we probably weren't supposed to take, which was way more than we needed! We jammed them all into my car, and barely was able to fit them all. We took them up, dropped off a few in Alyssa's room then somehow managed to stash the rest of them into Lisa and mine. Needless to say it was very cramped in there for the remainder of our stay at SU. Little by little we got all our stuff packed away into storage but let me just say, the process took forever and we were climbing over boxes for days!
Here take a look at some before and after pictures of Mine ad Lisa's shoebox of a dorm room during the process of packing and after we got everything out...

It was quite bare, sad, and depressing to see our once lively room looking like such an empty little closet... But it was time to say goodbye to good old Bell 740... and everyone in it. That's always the hardest part of the end of the school year is saying goodbye to all your friends. (And I have to say, it is extremely lonely sleeping in my room all alone every night). However as difficult as it is we know we will all be together again in just a few short (well kinda long) months. By the way... Thanks to all of my wonderful friends (Lisa, Alyssa, Allie, Courtney, Connie Rae, Angela, Morgan, etc... etc..!) for making my first year at Seattle University a fantastic one!