So I have decided that the next few blogs are going to be consisting of me filling you in on things that have consumed my life in the last few years... things like my college experiences (serious ones, you'll hear the funny stories later) and a little more of what I am all about. My major, interests... blah, blah bare with me, I want you to know who it is that you are reading about. So first off here is what I have learned about being in college post graduating high school (Reynolds High School class of '07 shout out!)
I graduated high school on June 8th, 2007, wow that seems like so long ago, feeling extremely happy with my life. Perfect grades, graduating with honors, amazing friends, perfect boyfriend, awesome family support, going to a perfect little private college. And I was quite confident that it was going to continue to go on like this as I started the next chapter in my life. Well that was not necessarily true...
After an amazing summer I moved out of my house for the first time on August 24, 2007 to live in the dorms at Concordia University in Portland, OR where I would study Art/Design and Psychology. I was super excited because it seemed like it was going to be so great for me. Plus one of my best friends to this day (shout out to Amber Drape!) was going to the same school and I wasn't to far from home so I could easily make a trip back if I needed to. Things were going great... until I got there and realized they weren't. I started to get home sick, my roommate and I didn't have anything in common, boyfriend problems which eventually ended our relationship after 2 and a half years, and a very unwelcoming feeling from my school. I was not happy there, miserable in fact, and decided that it was doing no good for me or anyone around me to stay there. So I left Concordia at the end of the term and moved back home.
I wanted to stay in school so I enrolled at Mt. Hood Community College a few minutes away from my house and went there for the next two years. There I planned to study art and major in interior design. I was pretty unsure about it but instantly felt more at home when I went in to the performing arts dept. to see about the theatre and music programs (another reason I hated Concordia, they had no theatre programs!) and on the spot the director of the upcoming musical offered me a part in his show
Drood! So excited to be back in a musical I accepted and began to start rehearsals. This was probably the best thing that could have happened to me at that time, keeping my mind off of other things... During that time I met some amazing people who are still my great friends to this day (Megan Petrie, Allie Timm, Sara Currie, Michael Mitchell, Jordon Schultz!) It was a great year and I couldn't wait to go back for the next. The year 2008-2009 was equally fantastic meeting so many people from doing theater and music that will be my friends until the day I die and then after (Sam Solano, Rose Reynolds, Taryn Zickefoose!) Love you guys! This year I graduated from MHCC with my Associate of Arts Degree on June 12, 2009. I was about to move on to the next stage of my life...
Seattle University!!! My current place of education. I moved to Seattle on September 19, 2009 transferring in as a Junior. I'm here now currently majoring in Forensic Psychology. Loving every minute of it! This was truly one of the best moves I have made. I am finally content with where I am and loving it! I'm not going to say a lot about living here now because there will be stories galore coming! Just know that I love Seattle, I'm having the time of my life and I have the best roommate in the world... Lisa S. Ackerman!
All in all I have been through many transfers, 5 schools total (some online) Concordia University, MHCC, Chemeketa Community College, Clackamas Community College, and Seattle University. It's quite difficult when it comes to having to turn in transcripts to your school haha. But if I have learned anything in all of this it is "do-overs" are ok, and you need to take care of yourself and go to the places that work best for you.